Daily Devotionals for Women Blog
Your dream is your boat, and your thoughts are the springs from which the river flows. If you consciously monitor your thoughts and only dwell on those thoughts that give your boat enough water to keep flowing, then your river will flow.Read now
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - The Power of the Tongue
God has created you with a purpose. It’s that passion deep within you, that dream you think is impossible but a dream none-the-less. Two things will happen with that purpose. You will either give life to it. Or you will bury it in an early grave. Death and life both come from your tongue.
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - You are what you say you are.
You are created to be powerful, to be a legend in your own right. God has systematically and intricately designed you to fulfill a divine purpose for His Kingdom.Read now -
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - You will receive your due
Whatever choice you make, you’re going to have to give account to God for it. So why not give yourself permission to live with passion and embrace the gift God put inside you?Read now -
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - You are a new creation.
God doesn’t look at who you were without Him. He looks at who you are within His grace. Don’t let the past hold you back or cause you guilt. The past doesn’t matter. The failures don’t matter. The plans that didn’t work out don’t matter.
Today's Daily Devotional - You are created to fight for what's yours
if you focus on the weapons – on your talents, your strengths, your skills, your vision, your personality, your uniqueness, your appointed destiny… If you focus on those things, then you will beat every single challenge standing in your way.
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - God Knows You.
God knew exactly what He designed you to be before you were ever even created in your mother’s womb. God appointed you, chose you, destined you to achieve your dream before you ever took your first breath on this earth.Read now -
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - You're made for joy.
Don’t let your talents become ghosts. Don’t let your skills stay unrecognized and unused. Give life to what God has put inside of you. Breathe existence into the purpose and passion within you, just waiting for you to give it a chance to shine.Read now -
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - You are made to ENDURE
While you pursue your dreams, you’re going to encounter a lot of disappointment. It’s inevitable. But understand you are filled with the power of God’s spirit, and with that comes the ability to rejoice in your sufferings.Read now