Today's Daily Devotional For Women - You Are Blessed!
Bible Verse of the Day
Rom 12:1 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.
Imagine you’re on deadline and you have to finish a REALLY important task at your job in just 10 minutes. Would you spend the first five minutes with your feet up on your desk, leisurely sipping coffee as the clock slowly passed you by?
Or would you hustle? Give the task all your *focused attention and energy?* Block out the distractions and keep the finish line visualized in your mind so you’ll know when you succeeded?
That is what it is to give God your life as a *living sacrifice.* It’s not about clocking “in” and “out” by giving God your energy sometimes and not others.
It’s about realizing that *God has created you for a purpose.* God has created you to *unleash your LEGEND.* And with that amazing blessing comes the need to be *focused on God’s prize,* to block out the distractions and keep His purpose for your life visualized in your mind so *you know when you’ve reached success.*
*Give God your full life.* Don’t hold anything back. Give Him everything and *you’ll see His abundant blessings* for your life pour out all around you, all glory to God!
Why We Publish Daily Devotionals
Growing your faith with a daily devotional will certainly make you more of a person and live a purposeful life every day. You might unknown where the path will certainly lead you however with faith, you are assured to live a significant life with Him. The river itself is not certain of the instructions it will take as the storm may detour its course without knowing.
You are worth all the true blessing around you and sharing it will make you more purposive. Even if you are now unpredictable with your own image, with a belief that you are important will get you on the right track. It is no basic job to be devoted every day however it in fact makes your faith even more powerful. Fill your mind with the truths in the Bible and safeguard all your feelings with a terrific influence of God's words.
It is often a satisfying sensation to perform daily devotional while practicing meditation and reading His holy book. Following the word of God is fulfilling and will certainly deepen your relationship with Him.
By showing Himself to you, you seek and obey Him and you'll understand the He constantly keeps all His promise to you. It helps in enhancing your self-confidence through God's loyalty. Whatever sort of circumstance which you may have today, you'll know that you can effectively conquer it with His presence. All your worries will certainly dissolve and transform it into cheerful moments with your friends and family.
Growing your faith with a daily devotional will certainly make you more of an individual and live a purposeful life every single day. You might not know where the course will lead you but with faith, you are guaranteed to live a meaningful life with Him. It is no easy job to be dedicated every day however it in fact makes your faith even more powerful. Even if it's difficult to face the barriers on your method, with a daily devotional, you can solved it no matter what. Invest your energy and time in constructing a greater foundation of faith with His words.